A digital signature certificate holder can produce a valid digital signature. However, due to technical or other errors, the digital signature may not be verified. In that case, a watermark in the form of a question mark appears with the title 'SIGNATURE NOT VERIFIED'. And, if the digital signature is valid, a green tick watermark appears with the title 'SIGNATURE VALID'. The receiver of the document can click on the digital signature to know the name of the signer and Email ID.
Also, a couple of messages are displayed for a valid signature:
Further, the receiver can click on the 'signature properties' to know the validity summary and signer info. Under validity summary, the receiver can check the date and time of the signature. And under signer info, you can see the digital signature certificate used by the signer. Since a digital signature certificate is necessary to produce a valid digital signature. An individual or organization can visit the eMudhra website to purchase digital signature certificates. eMudhra is a leading certifying authority licensed by the controller of certifying authority (CCA) under the government of India.