To understand whether an electronic signature or a digital signature is more secure, we need to understand the difference between them. To begin with, an electronic signature is an electronic version of your handwritten signature and it can be scanned and attached to a document. Whereas, a digital signature is an encrypted version of your signature created with public key infrastructure.
In addition, an electronic signature can be in the form of an image, file, or symbol attachable to a document. On the other hand, a digital signature is stored in a digital signature certificate which consists of all the verified information of the signer. Furthermore, an electronic signature is used to verify a document via the phone number, SMS, etc., this is a single-factor authentication and is easy to decode.
On the contrary, a digital signature is created by using verified information of the user stored in a digital signature certificate which can be accessed via crypto USB token. The crypto USB token is specially provided to the signer only after verification and authentication of identity by a licensed certifying authority. In India, the government of India has created and provisioned a Controller of Certifying Authority (CCA) to regulate the functioning of the licensed CAs.
eMudhra is a licensed certifying authority for issuance of digital signature certificates. Comparing the mentioned differences between electronic signatures and digital signatures, it is safe to declare that a digital signature is more secure than a simple electronic signature.